This stack is Shareware. If you like and use it, please send
$5.00 to:
Dave Godbey
4504 Chestnut St.
Bethesda, MD 20814
I can receive messages (not money) by electronic mail:
CompuServe: 71621,1757
I would also appreciate any comments and suggestions you might have. If there are other features you might like to see in this stack, I would welcome hearing from you.
I do scientific research at the Naval Research Laboratory, and I wanted a method to keep track of papers and references
that I use in my work. This stack was written with this purpose in mind. It is not intended to be like "Bookends" or
"Publish or Perish," but was written strictly as an index for scientific papers. I file my papers in alphabetical order by the first author's last name, and I access the information through the search function on the Command Stack. Once I find the reference to the paper(s) of interest, it is an easy matter to find the filed paper.
These stacks were written using HyperCard 1.2.5. They have been tested on HyperCard 2.0 and seem to be fully compatible. The use of the Stacks are straight forward, and probably require no further reading of this help field. But just in case you feel like reading some more, I offer these explanations.
Use of Reference Stack:
The Reference Stack contains all the information for each reference in six fields.
1. Topic Field. In this field I store the relevant topics discussed in the paper. This field is the one I search most frequently.
2. Title Field. Title of the paper.
3. Author Field. Paper's authors.
4. Affiliation Field. Author's place of work-organizaton associated with work.
5. Reference Field. Reference of paper.
6. Notes Field. If I have looked over the paper closely enough to know what the key points of the work are, I put them in this field.
You can also toggle easily between the Reference and Command Stacks via the button at the bottom left of the cards. Once a Search has been done (as explained below) and a Scan initiated from the Command Stack, the Scan is continued through the use of the Scan Next and Previous buttons.
Most of the code necessary to search and scan is contained in the Reference Stack. The Command Stack simply sends the messages needed to initiate a search or scan, and collects the returned information in its fields.
Use of Command Stack:
The guts of the Command Stack appear on Card 2 (Search
Card). This card is divided into Search and Scan sectors, and the information fields in the lower half of the card. When you press one of the Search buttons (representing the six fields of the Reference Stack), a dialog box appears asking what phrase you would like to search for. The chosen field of the Reference Stack is searched for the phrase input, and a portion of each of the found entries is returned in the main card field. The Search employed is returned to the top of the main data field.
To Scan the found entries, you push Item or List under the Scan heading (these buttons do not currently differ in their function). The Reference Stack will be summoned and the card of the 1st entry will appear in your screen. You proceed to Scan through the list by pressing Next or Previous buttons in the Reference Stack as discussed above.
You can start the Scan anywhere in the list by simply clicking once on the desired entry of the Search Card. This will cause the entry to be selected, and then you press the Item or List button to go to that entry. You may proceed to Scan forward or backward from that point once in the Reference Stack.